Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Quarter for a Truism

Dday at Digby's quotes Russ Finegold speaking about Somalia.
Moreover, until a functioning economy can be established, piracy will remain the most lucrative business in the region.

Replace "Somalia" with any polity and Bob's your curiouser strange not related personage.
As Mark Twain might have observed: "Go thou and do likewise."

Sunday, April 05, 2009

More Beer!

The filtering vat, which makes
a pleasant sound,
You place appropriately on [top of]
a large collector vat.
Ninkasi, the filtering vat,
which makes a pleasant sound,
you place appropriately on [top of]
a large collector vat.
Rinse and repeat 4,ooo years ago. Then go out and create ... civilization?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Simple Definitions

Outlaw: What most of are forced to do one time or another by ignorance, stupidity, greed, or in response to coercion.

Criminal: Those who break laws as a profession or career to satisfy their ignorance, stupidity, greed, or in response to coercion.

Pirate: The power elite who plunder everyone.
