Herrington pauses. "George W. Bush," he adds, "would do what they are doing here in a heartbeat if he could."
tags: Dum Luks Stockpot, politics
Herrington pauses. "George W. Bush," he adds, "would do what they are doing here in a heartbeat if he could."
Too soon old.--ml
Too late smart.
I don’t know if you read the Starr report, the rest of us were glued to it, I have many passages memorized. No, there was more plot and dialogue in a porno movie.Does anyone else see the connection to this joke told by my Band Master in High School , ca. 1960:
Kid goes to a psychiatrist.--ml
Shrink givess him a Rorschach test.
"What does this make you think of?" says the Doc.
"Sex," says the kid.
"What about this one?" says the Doc.
"Sex," says the kid.
"Okay... try this." says the Doc.
"Sex," says the kid.
"Hmmmm. Und dis?" says the Doc.
"Sex," says the kid.
"Boy," says the Doc. "Do you have problems!"
"But, Doc! You're the one drawing dirty pictures!"
Despite Obama's advantage in delegates and popular vote, 64 percent of Democrats in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say Clinton should remain in the race. Even among Obama's supporters, 42 percent say so.--ml
That's not a majority endorsement of Clinton's candidacy; Democrats by a 12-point margin would rather see Obama as the nominee, a lead that's held steadily in ABC News/Washington Post polls since early March. Instead it reflects a rejection of the notion that the drawn-out contest will hurt the party's prospects. Seventy-one percent think it'll either make no difference in November (56 percent) or actually help the party (15 percent).
To be a skeptic
Means not only to say:
"You're wrong!"
He he he!
To be a skeptic
is more than
"That's not so!"
He he he!
To be a skeptic
Suggests a teacher
Did less than say so.
He he he!
To be a skeptic
Donkeys must not
Have their way!
He he he!
To be a skeptic
I must not say
"Because I was told so..."
He he he!
To be a skeptic
Is to repeat:
"I don't know.
I really do not know."
So, today a second US aircraft carrier has entered the Persian Gulf ...