Happy Solstice 2010!
What are some things that a real, honest-to-goodness "far left" would be agitating for, and why isn't anyone doing just that?I like most of these ideas. They seem somewhat left of center in the real world. Too bad I'm stuck in this one where we're taught to consider these ideas a far radical fantasy of socialism bent so far left its fascism, or something.
Here's a start:
How many of these are even "far left" ideas? I'd agree with most of these. Basically I'm describing Europe here, not Maoist China.
- Nationalize the oil companies.
- Guaranteed job or income for everyone, put to work on infrastructure investment projects, alternative energy projects, retrofitting buildings to be energy efficient, etc.
- Cradle-to-grave Medicare-For-All.
- Child care for all.
- Eldercare for all.
- 6 week paid vacation for everyone.
- Triple Social Security's payments, lower retirement age to 55.
- Worker representatives on Boards of Directors.
- Limits to the how much of larger companies can be owned by a person or entity.
- When companies reach a certain size they become public entities. (Because they have so much effect on everything.)
- Companies responsible for externalized cost payback.
- A person whose job is replaced by technology receives for life a share of the savings.
- Bring back 90% top tax rates. (OK I have been agitating for that one.)
- Very very high estate taxes on very large estates. Maybe up to 99% on estates over $1 billion.
- Freedom from distraction. We have a right to our own attention, free from advertising and commercialization. The right to public spaces free from commercialization.
Asked about his message to struggling families, the V.P. added, "My message is, keep the faith. We are moving in the right direction. We are not going to let you go without food or basic services. That will not happen in this country, in our administration. And secondly, we're creating new jobs that are going to be the kind you can raise your family on."Indeed it is "Bush's Recession" and a main goal of the plutocrats' drive to the restoration of Pharoah's regime.
Maybe I've missed it, but the line about the "Bush Recession" struck me as new. Biden said it casually, as if it were common, but it's generally been a phrase Democrats have avoided.
Supermodel: Save water, pee in shower
SAO PAULO--Environmental conservation advice from the world's richest supermodel? Apparently so, and some you really would never expect.
In the name of saving water, German-Brazilian Gisele Bundchen recommends that everyone urinate in the shower.
Bundchen, 29, says in her blog that everyone should do their share in protecting the environment in daily life. Her suggestions include not pouring used cooking oil down the drain and ways to minimize paper waste.
And then there's that urination in the shower thing. She says that for every 19 people who take her advice instead of flushing a toilet, about 83,220 liters of water can be saved every year.
Bundchen, whose riches include a property valued at 16.5 billion yen ($180.44 million), has been actively engaged in environmental causes.
That said, if I really value being seen as an individual first, rather than my gender, size, race, then I must accept that other women are also free to make choices about the way they lead their lives as well. More importantly, I must actively work to ensure their ability to make choices I might not personally make is free of sexist, transphobic, classist, ableist, homophobic, racist and sizeist oppression. After all, they are my sisters – regardless of whether or not my own lived experiences mirror theirs or I agree with their life choices.Applies to men as well though that is off topic for yet another excellent Snarkey's Machine post.
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at HarvardIndeed we are.
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks.
Politicians routinely fetishize the "small business owner" perhaps just slightly less than they fetishize "the troops" or "the family farmer," so it'd be nice if that love translated into policy.It does. It Does! Who gets screwed most consistently by Government policies? Small business, the troops and the family farmer.
The Diaspora* group was inspired to begin their project after hearing a talk by Eben Moglen, a law professor at Columbia University, who described the centralized social networks as “spying for free,” Mr. Salzberg said.Lot's of folk don't like the con.
dear boss
everyman s hand is turned against a cockroach
and occasionally his foot.
sometimes i sit alone and think
there is nothing lower than an ugly little kink
like me like me like me
last night i cried
i decided a suicide
i d be i d be i d be
so i climbed to the sixth floor window
and out of that window
my little carcase i hurled
but i wasn t dashed to the pavement dead
i floated up to the eighth floor instead
i ask you boss
how insignificant
can a fella get
I can see Your Honor doesn't pull his punchesAs Brecht might have put it: How does a lunchless politician compare to a bought pol?
And it looks a trifle fishy, I'll admit,
But for one whole week I went without my lunches
And it mounted up, Your Honor, bit by bit.
Up Your Honor, bit by bit.
Seriously, if the shiftlessYep.welfareCEO queens would just stop stealing all this money from hardworkingwhitepeople, we wouldn't have all these problems. I don't see why all everyone always jumps to the conclusion that it has anything to do with race.
Looking BackThanks, Duncan.
My marker for Obama was whether he'd get a health care bill with a public option. He didn't. A year ago passage of some sort of health care reform seemed inevitable, and not a tremendous challenge. Only a year of dithering and bipartisaning and gangs of wankers and pre-compromising and, frankly, failure to put forward something simple and popular jeopardized it.
The bill's more good than bad, but it isn't what we should have gotten. It isn't what we voted for.
You know, when I wrote at the beginning of this post that deficits were worse than terrorists, I was exaggerating. Now, I realize they are actually going to go there. Oh boy.But, of course! The terraists are merely a toy to distract the so smalls. But deficits? Sacre Bleu! They steal from the Noblesse! From, oui, Me.
"I have learned absolutely nothing and have no regrets whatsoever about being completely wrong about everything."I want the t-shirt. I do! I do! I do!
Mammoth Tales will feature science journalism, science education, history of science, and maybe a little plain old history in those fields that I feel comfortable commenting on. I plan to offer links to stories that I find interesting, even if I don't have much to add to the stories. Moving away from science, I like good conspiracy theories, pseudo-science, and hidden histories. Expect an occasional deconstruction of those ideas. I also like to expose bad writing about science and history. But, there will also be mammoths.This is excellent news! A very fine writer is extending his proboscis in a sinuous way to delight all who treasure the revelation of curious truth and deflation of pernicious myths. Keep your eye on it -- the book, Mammoth Tales, is coming soon.
Aside from tax cuts, George Bush spent eight years in the White House and really wasn't able to advance the conservative agenda in any major way at all.Create Department of Homeland Security (whose primary mission is to prepare the populace for life in a police state)
Bills, and lint.In the past seven years
the dollar is down 40%.
Gold is up over 400%.
What's in your Pocket?